Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Neuroscientist
Instagram: @adventuresofascientist
Article written by Kylie Cameron
Samantha Keil is a current Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Neuroscientist. She graduated with a BA Biology, Neuroscience, Pre-Medicine and a Ph.D. Neuroscience from Augustana College and the University of Illinois at Chicago.
In high school, Samantha participated in National Honor Society, Soccer, Cross Country, Marching/Concert Band where she played flute and was Drum Major, and was Class Vice President. She was on the Dean’s List and was a Kooi Loan Recipient (Local grant for college). When asked what she thought were the most important classes that helped her in college and now she said, “AP Biology and Chemistry were where I really found my interest in science, but honestly anything that excites you! There’s definitely no direct path to a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, as the subject has philosophy, psychology, sociology, biology, and chemistry!” She also told us that her favorite class was, “definitely biology!” One tip she would like to share with current high schooler is that “High school is the time to explore your avenue of interests. Don’t stress too much about the AP classes! Find out what excites you, what a career in that might look like, and what will get you there. Enjoy the ride!”
In college, Keil participated in Beta Beta Beta (Biology Honors Society), Anatomy Lab Proctor, was an Independent Study Research, was on the Dean’s List, and had an internship at the Independent Study working on Cyber-Anatomy TM program. When we asked Samantha what the most important classes she took in college were that helped her now she said, “Augustana is a liberal arts college with Trimester courses so the dynamic might be different than others, but the most instrumental to pursuit of my Ph.D. were: Neuroscience Immersion course, Study abroad in East Asia, Neuroplasticity Capstone, Neuroanatomy, Traditional Chinese Medicine.” She said her favorite classes were, “All of the above, as well as a few theology and philosophy classes that taught me to think outside the box!” and the toughest classes for her were, “Organic Chemistry and Physics.”
Currently, Samantha is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. She told us that, “This stage of your career is about developing the questions and techniques that you want to pursue for the rest of your life! Take the time doing informational interviews (reach out early and communicate with the lab of interest!), and find a space that you will thrive in, and that supports the development of you as a scientist!” As a Grad Student Keil worked as a Graduate Research Assistant in a basic science lab. She said that “Grad school for basic scientists is more about learning how to think critically, learn specific techniques of interest, and how to ask, probe and produce questions and data. This process is painstaking and can be difficult, but make sure you find yourself a lab that supports you! A healthy lab environment and a good mentor can make or break you during this point in your career!”
When we asked Samantha what a typical day in her life as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow looked life, she told us, “What I love about being a scientific researcher, is that one day looks the same. Some days are much longer then others, but there’s so much flexibility! I spend a lot of time doing wet lab research at the bench, but a large portion is also spent writing and reviewing!” She also told us that her favorite project she has done is, “The one I am currently working on is investigating the role of sleep deprivation on the support cells of the brain! It involves a lot of fluorescent imaging and truly is a combination of art and science!” We asked Keil how she felt this current job has helped her grow as a scientist and she said, “I’m just starting out, but I know that it will set me up for the next stage of my career where I become an independent research scientist with my own lab and team!” She told us that “Having a role in solving the puzzle that is our brain, is fascinating. Contributing to this is definitely what drives me!” When we asked her what inspired her and made her keep wanting to come back as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow every day. When asked what she hopes to accomplish at this position in the future, she told us that she is, “…developing a project now, that has the potential to take on a life of it’s own! I will be pursuing these questions for the rest of my life hopefully!” She also said that it’s not just her STEAM-related careers that have helped her, “Throughout school, I worked a variety of part-time jobs including waitressing, babysitting, food services, a barista, and a customer service desk at a gym. I don’t think the extra that sometimes goes into making financial ends meat is to be taken lightly. Most pertinent to STEM though, I was a Scribe with Scribe for America during my senior year of undergrad and for a full year PostBac, and was a Research Technician in a lab doing basic science and animal behavior work a year before grad school”
When Samantha is not in the lab she said that she, “absolutely loves hiking and traveling! Now living in Seattle, I have the mountains to go to when days in science are hard and stressful. Having the option to get outside and just breathe is both humbling and motivating! I also love live music and will take in a live show whenever I can!” Before moving she also said that she was, “a chair with Graduate Women in Science — Chicago, SciPolChi (science communications), Graduate Program in Neuroscience Executive Committee, and Graduate Student Council — Neuroscience Representative.” Keil also manages to find time to volunteer as a BLM activist and a Graduate Women in Science! She also told us that she has faced challenges as a student, “I had a very challenging graduate student experience, and have experienced the pitfalls of a system that needs some readjustment. I can not advocate enough for finding a mentor that values your personal development as a part of their team!” When we asked Keil why she loves her job in STEAM she said that “Having a doctorate in Neuroscience opens so many exciting doors for me. Though I chose to pursue academia, having a Ph.D. gives you options to pursue so many different career tracts that I never knew about!”
You can find Samantha on Instagram: @adventuresofascientist